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Restoration of Hwangryongsa temple

by Emi Hailey Hayakawa, BTN, Oct 28, 2013

Gyeongju, South Korea -- Gyeongju City contain a remarkable concentration of outstanding examples of Korean Buddhist art, in the form of sculptures, reliefs, pagodas, and the remains of temples and palaces from the flowering of this form of unique artistic expression. The ruins of Hwangnyongsa, the Temple of the Yellow Dragon, have provided a wealth of archaeological data.

<< Artist impression of the restored Hwangryongsa temple

Hwangryongsa temple was constructed as an order by King Jinheung (540-76) who wanted to build the largest temple ever built in Korea, covering over 72,500㎡ plots of land. The entire complex was destroyed by Mongol invaders in 1238.

The Korean Cultural Heritage Administration and the City of Gyeongju joined forces and established the Hwangryongsa Research Institute for the restoration of Hwangryongsa temple as part of its program to turn Gyeongju into the nation’s premier cultural and historic city and will hold a groundbreaking on October 21st, 2013.

The newly established Hwangryongsa Research Center is said to be a 13million dollars (USD) 2 stories building with over 2,865㎡, and is said to include the PR room, research facility, storage, etc.

The Korean Cultural Heritage Administration stated, “Until the day the Hwangryongsa temple is completely restored, the Hwangryongsa Research Center will provide the people with information regarding this historical site, and continue our archeological research.” 

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