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Hong Kong starts 3-day Buddhist activities

Xinhuanet, May 15, 2005

HONG KONG, China -- Hong Kong Buddhist circle Sunday held an opening ceremony for the three-day activities to mark the birth of Sakyamuni, founder of Buddhism, and the 60th anniversary of the founding of Hong Kong Buddhist Association.

Hong Kong Buddhist Association President Kok Kwong and Hong Kong Legislative Council President Rita Fan presided over theceremony.

Since its founding in 1945, the Hong Kong Buddhist Association has been engaged in medical and educational undertakings and has offered services for both children and the elderly.

The association also prepares for establishing a Buddhist college in the near future.

Rita Fan said Sunday is both the birth anniversary of Sakyamuni and the 7th year of Hong Kong's listing of the date of the Sakyamuni birth anniversary as a public holiday. It represents the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)government's implementation of religious freedom according to the Basic Law.

She said that the association has a long history and has played a positive and unique role in advancing the development of culture and ethics.

According to the association, Hong Kong has at least over 800,000 Buddhist believers.

The association will also give Buddhist lectures and arrange related activities during the three days.

The birth anniversary of Sakyamuni is the most important festival of Buddhism.

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