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Buddhist books top best sellers in Korea

by Emi Hailey Hayakawa, BTN, Feb 25, 2013

Seoul, South Korea -- Ven. Haemin’s book has been the top-seller in Korea for over one year selling over 2 million copies.

His book, “What You See When You Take a Break,” (translated title of Korean) was published last year on January 1st 2012,  and stayed on top of the best-seller list for 13 weeks between May and July. It was recorded that the over a 1 million copies were sold within 6 months.

And once again, six months from the milestone of selling over 1 million copies, his book is now the top selling book in Korea with over 2 million copies sold.

According to Kyobo Bookstore, Korea’s largest bookstore, the the top 5 books of the 100 best-selling books in the past year were by Buddhist monks and nuns, which proves that Buddhism is returning into the mainstream of Korean daily lives.

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