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Burma's ethnic leaders join protest

Shan Herald Agency for News, Sept 26, 2007

Rangoon, Burma -- Spurning criticisms that the non-Burmans are merely contenting themselves as spectators while the confrontation between Burma's ruling generals and the Buddhist monks are gearing up to the breaking point, the Burma-based Ethnic Youth Network Group (EYNG) say it has been involved with the protests since the beginning.

Actual participation by individual leaders of the United Nationalities Alliance (UNA) and United Nationalities League for Democracy (UNLD) in the marches took place Saturday, 22 September.
On Monday (24 September), the ethnic leaders joined the marches starting from Rangoon's city hall, holding placards calling for release of political prisoners, political dialogue and relief of people's sufferings.
Snapshots sent by EYNG show Aye Tha Aung and Thaung Ko Thang, two of the most prominent ethnic leaders.
Karen and Shan leaders on the Thai-Burma border have also declared their support for the ongoing demonstrations that began mid August following the 100-500 percent fuel price hike by the military government.

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