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List of Monks and activists arrested between September 26 and 27, 2007
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), Sept. 29, 2007
Yangon, Myanmar -- Over 1000 monks were arrested between September 26 and 27 of 2007. These monks were forced to take off their robe. Monks were severely beaten, kicked and insulted by soldiers, riot polices, members of union solidarity and development associations – USDA and militias.
Over 300 demonstrators including Members of Parliaments from National League for Democracy-NLD, members of NLD, students, and supporters were arrested during these two days demonstrations.
List of monks arrested:
- 200 monks from Ngway Kyar Yan monastery located in South Okkalapa-Rangoon
- 4 monks from Meggin monastery located in Thingangyun township-Rangoon
- Several monks from religious science of Chauk Htat Kyi located in Bahan
- Several monks from Moe Goung monastery located in Yankin township
- Several monks from Evtheiphyu monastery located in Botahtaung township
- 11 monks from Pyaw bwe, Thonedaung, Lingaya, Tatkone, Natgyi monasteries located in Kachin State
- Over 100 monks from monasteries from Bahmo, Moe Hnyinand Myitkyinar located in Kachin State
- Several monks from Yawale monastery located in Dawpone township – Rangoon Aye Zaydi monastery from Kyitmyindine, Rangoon
- 300 monks from monasteries located in North Okkalapa township-Rangoon
- 30 monks from Zambyuaye monastery located in North Okkalapa-Rangoon
- 20 monks were arrested during the demonstration at near Sula pagoda on September 26, 2007
- Several monks were arrested during the demonstration at Sinmin market in Alone township on September 27, 2007. Rangoon
Source: http://www.aappb.org/

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