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Five Generals arrested for not shooting at monks

AGI, Oct 10, 2007

Jakarta, Indonesia -- In the tumultuous days of the much-talked-about protest by Buddhist monks, in Burma the military junta had 5 generals and over 400 soldiers arrested who had refused to open fire on those taking part in the marches.

This was told to the Indonesian daily Jakarta Oost by a high-ranking functionary of the regime who requested anonymity. "Five generals refused and were rapidly arrested," said the source, who did not want to give the names of the soldiers arrested.

The same happened to "almost 400 soldiers from the Sikai division near the city of Mandalay, who did not want to shoot at the monks."

According to the source, the mutiny is a sign of problems in the regime, where reportedly many - even some of the highest ranking functionaries - were struck by the brutal repression by the military junta. "Monks are the symbol of our religion and our life. Killing them is considered the worst of all sins."

According to the man interviewed, many public functionaries silently showed their opposition to the brutal repression by not going to work.

Military authorities claim to have released about 1,600 of the 2,700 arrested on 26-27 September and the days afterwards.

According to the official version, about ten people were killed in the shooting, but sources from anti-governmental groups speak of many more (over 200).

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