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U Gambira: “Please continue the peaceful movement”

The BestFreind.org, Nov 22, 2010

A message from U Gambira currently in Kalay prison, Sagaing Division.

Yangon, Myanmar -- U Gambira, the leader of the Saffron Revolution has been sentenced to 68 years under section 295(a) and 505(b) of Penal Code by Burma’s military regime in 2008. His sentence was later reduced to 63 years under the Electronics Law.

<< Ashin Gambira in April 2007 in Yangon

He has been transferred from Insein prison to Mandalay, to Sagaing, to Hkamti and is now in Kalay prison.

His elder brother Ko Aung Kyaw has been sentenced to 14 years under the political law and is now in Taung Gyi prison, his younger brother Ko Aung Ko Ko (Lwin) has been sentenced under the same law to 5 years of prison in Arkan, Kyauk Phyu. Ashin Gambira’s brother-in–law Ko Moe Htet Hlan has been sentenced to 5 years and is now held in Moulmein prison.

Ma Lwin Lwin Myint, U Gambira’s sister and her husband Ko Lu Maw Naing, have been forced to flee their homeland Burma for their own security.

This is U Gambira’s speech transmitted from Kalay prison through his mother Daw Yee and his elder sister Ma Khin Thu Htay on 17 November 2010

1) I want to thank the mayor of the city of Morbegno and the people of Italy for their support for the democratic movement in Burma and for their humanitarian aid. I am very happy and thankful for the letter sent by the Italian mayor to the prison officer with concern of my health and well being. I would like to ask you to continue your support for the democratic freedom movement in Burma. The unconditional release of all political prisoners and national reconciliation are essential for Burma.

2) I have already declared my view on the 2010 election and don’t need to say much more about it. The key point is the 2008 constitution. On the basis of this constitution there can be no free and fair elections. The elections are only aimed at legalizing military power. An election without the participation of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and with more than 2,000 political prisoners still incarcerated, can only increase the problems inside our country. The people of Burma are aware of this.

3) I am very happy about the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Now the more than 2,000 political prisoners, including myself, need to be released too. I am confident that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will prevail with this cause. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi needs to take great care of her health and security.

4) Regarding the generals I would like to stress the importance of national reconciliation through dialogue with the opposition, led by Aung San Suu Kyi.
(Ashin Gambira has demanded this in Hkamti prison with a protest. As a result his mouth was filled with cloth, pasted up and he was brutally battered repeatedly).

5) I will forgive and forget the slander, the brutal torture on me and the harassment of my family, committed by the generals and the clerks. I want you all to concentrate on national reconciliation.

6) At the moment my sight is bad. I need spectacle glasses 125. My eyes are hurting. I get visits by a doctor and I am allowed to read. My health has improved, torture and repressions are less here in Kalay prison.

7) U Htar Va Ya has asked me to address the monks in Burma. I want to say “Ah HiTha Thit Sa Ahr Agra Ha”. It is Pali and means: Please continue the peaceful movement with Metta and without violence. As I said before unity and patience are most important.

Please demand the release of Ashin Gambira and write directly to:

Maung Oo
Ministry of Home Affairs, Office No. 10, Naypyitaw
MYANMAR (form of address: Dear Minister)
Fax: (00 95) 67 412 439

Brigadier-General Kyaw Hsan
Ministry of Information, Bldg. (7), Naypyitaw
MYANMAR (form of address: Dear Minister)

Nyan Win, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Naypyitaw
MYANMAR (form of address: Dear Minister)

Original script in Burmese by Ma Lwin Lwin Myint
English translation by Alexandra Rösch

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