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Jogye Order calls China to cease Tibetan oppression
Translated by Emi Hayakawa, Chief of Overseas Operations BTN, The Buddhist Channel, Feb 22, 2012
Seoul, South Korea -- The central council of the Jogye Order called the oppression of Tibet by the Chinese government “a situation in which we cannot ignore” and was appalled by the Oppression of Tibet and Tibetan people by the Chinese government and urged for the early withdrawal of Chinese troops, release of political prisoners, act of fidelity towards Buddhist monks, and to end forced migration policy.
The central council announced that they have plans to constitute a resolution letter and to go to the Chinese embassy for a remonstration visit and to hand over the resolution letter. Moreover, Central Council urged for a constitution of the Jogye Headquarters Executive Board and a joint Fact Finding Committee.
The Chairman of the Standing Subcommittee of the Central Council of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism and all the people of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism held a press conference on February 21st, 1:30pm in the Central council conference room and disclosed the statement below:
In the statement, the Standing Subcommittee of the Central Council of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism states that, “From 1951, the Chinese government has occupied Tibet for over 60 years and is responsible for the death of 1.2 million Tibetan people, and is oppressing the freedom and spirituality of the Tibetan people through repressive religious policies...” and that “...Currently in Tibet, extreme measures, such as self-immolations, are being taken to demand freedom and independence of Tibet. These sort of desperate measures began in 2008 and has been an ongoing form of protest. From 2008 and recently in 2012, twenty four Tibetan monks and civilians have self-immolated themselves, and even now many Tibetan people continue to protest even if it means risking their own lives...”
Also, the Standing Subcommittee of the Central Council of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism was appalled by the Chinese government’s recent actions and stated that, “
...The Chinese Government responded to the protests with gun fire and independence of Tibet, will not tolerate anymore oppression such as the acts going on in Tibet currently, and ask to change the regulations of the situations,” and urged for the “..return of the bodies of those who have self-immolated to the Tibetan people and their families, along with the early withdrawal of Chinese troops, release of political prisoners, act of fidelity towards Buddhist monks, and to end forced migration policy...”
The Headquarters of the Jogye order of Korean Buddhism and the Buddhist declaration of the three nations are working to adopt a peaceful resolution in Tibet and configuring a fact finding committee.
Venerable DaeOh announced the following statement.
Furthermore, it was announced that “...On November 2011, during the Buddhist friendship interchange meeting with the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Buddhist delegation, we all wished for life and equality, peace, wisdom, and for the world to be the Pure land of the Buddha in a written declaration. We, along with the Headquarters of the Jogye order of Korean Buddhism and the Buddhist declaration of the three nations are working to adopt a peaceful resolution in Tibet and configuring a fact finding committee. Ignoring the fact that Tibet is currently under Chinese military pressure, but to wish for the development of Buddhism in China, Japan, and Korea is impossible...”
The Standing subcommittee of the Central Council, from hereafter the Central Council, announced the standpoint of their plans to constitute a resolution letter and to go to the Chinese embassy for a remonstration visit and to hand over the resolution letter solution..” and.. “after consulting with the Executive Board, we will be the spokespeople of the Buddhist community and expand on our position.”
Venerable BeobAn, the chair of the Education committee, pointed out that “..The Central Committee is not the executive board. The Tibetan Situation is sympathized by the Korean Buddhists and a heart felt situation, thus the Central Committee is declaring this statement with heart felt desire..,” “...The executive board should properly play their role. We should not feel diffident of the Chinese government.”
Venerable BeobAn continued to say that “we urge the UN to announce a petition, and political parties, especially Buddhist members of the parliament must confront this problem together...”
However, in April 2012, the Associations of Korean Buddhist Orders will be joining the 3rd China World Buddhist Forum, and sees that the confrontation of the Buddhist community will not be easy.
Venerable BeobAn states that.. “the executive board has used the media to announce our statement, and the Headquarters will constitute a Fact finding committee to investigate the actual conditions and report to the executive board.” While urging joint confrontation with the Headquarters, he continues that “The Buddhist Order should come up with answers so we can join forces. We will all join our minds and hearts together until the Tibetan situation is resolved.”
Statement in full
We Demand the Cessation of the Oppression of Tibet by the Chinese Government
From 1951, the Chinese government has occupied Tibet for over 60 years and is responsible for the death of 1.2 million Tibetan people, and is oppressing the freedom and spirituality of the Tibetan people through repressive religious policies.
Currently in Tibet, extreme measures, such as self-immolations, are being taken to demand freedom and independence of Tibet. These sort of desperate measures began in 2008 and has been an ongoing form of protest. From 2008 and recently in 2012, twenty four Tibetan monks and civilians have self-immolated themselves, and even now many Tibetan people continue to protest even if it means risking their own lives.
The Chinese Government responded to the protests with gun fire and indiscriminate force such as beatings and abuse, and more recently the Chinese Government responded to the protest of the people asking to return the bodies of the self-immolated Tibetan monks with gunfire and crackdowns. Additionally, in the areas where the protests occurred all means of communication, including telephone, internet etc were blocked, roads to these areas have been blocked off and closed off, and all foreigners were banned to enter the premises. All these measures are taken to block all and any information on what is happening inside of Tibet.
The Chairman of the Standing Subcommittee of the Central Council of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism and all of us here warns the Chinese authorities that we, along with the world who longs for peace and independence of Tibet, will not tolerate anymore oppression such as the acts going on in Tibet currently, and ask to change the regulations of the situations. Additionally, we ask for the return of the bodies of those who have self-immolated to the Tibetan people and their families, along with the early withdrawal of Chinese troops, release of political prisoners, act of fidelity towards Buddhist monks, and to end forced migration policy.
On November 2011, during the Buddhist friendship interchange meeting with the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Buddhist delegation, we all wished for life and equality, peace, wisdom, and for the world to be the Pure land of the Buddha in a written declaration. We, along with the Headquarters of the Jogye order of Korean Buddhism and the Buddhist declaration of the three nations are working to adopt a peaceful resolution in Tibet and configuring a fact finding committee. Ignoring the fact that Tibet is currently under Chinese military pressure, but to wish for the development of Buddhism in China, Japan, and Korea is impossible.
Once again, we commemorate the people of Tibet who sacrificed their lives for peace and freedom and wish to Shakamuni Buddha for their easy passage into the Pure land. We would like to continue to appeal to the public to be aware of the oppression of Tibet and the Tibetan people by Chinese authorities, and will not rest until the Tibetan situation is resolved and there is true peace in Tibet.
------------ Statement issued, February 21st / Buddhist year 2556 (2012) Chairman of the Standing Subcommittee of the Central Council of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism and all the people of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism.