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Korean doctor uses meditation as therapy
by Emi Hailey Hayakawa, BTN, Feb 26, 2012
Seoul, South Korea -- There has been recent development in the studies of meditation and psychotherapy.
Dr. Jung Soon Young of Koyang Physiatrics Hospital received his phD degree at the Seoul Buddhist Graduate Program through his research paper on Korean Buddhist meditation program for Schizophrenia.
Dr. Jung uses the three steps; preparation, concentration, and mindfulness meditation, to make the patients be aware of their bodies. Dr. Jung re-developed Korean seon and mandala meditation, yoga and started this new program from November 2010.
After eight runs of this meditation program, the results proved to be positive.
In Dr. Jung’s research, the symptoms of depression in the control group was much higher than the group that received Dr. Jung’s Korean meditation treatment. His re-search showed that Buddhist meditation was largely helpful in improving individual’s lifestyle.
Dr. Jung plans to continue his research on Buddhist meditation and to create a medita-tion program manual for patients to be able to carry on these meditation programs in their daily lives.
Buddhist meditation is beginning to play an important role in modern Western medicine.
Mindfulness and compassion causes one to be self conscious of their reality. Korean researchers in recent years are putting in more effort to create Buddhist meditation program researches to improve the lifestyles of patients with various psychological illnesses.