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Separating religion from politics

by Emi Hayakawa, BTN, March 19th 2012

Seoul, South Korea -- Seven out of ten people are against religious people participating in political affairs

According to the polls regarding Church and State separation by the Religious Freedom Policy Research Center, 7 out of 10 South Korean citizens were against Religious People participating in political affairs.

The Religious Freedom Policy Research Center announced the results of their poll at the Manhae NGO education center during the 2012 Manhae festival symposium entitled “Can the Church and State be separated?” on March 6th, 2012.

The Research Center published an abridged version of their results on March 5th.

According to the polls, 67.2% agreed that the church and state should be separated, 12.9% disagreed, and 20% answered “doesn’t matter.”

The polls were taken on February 27th 2012, from 1,000 randomly picked males and females through the ARS system. The reliance level was 95%.

The Religious Freedom Policy Research Center stated, “Most of our people would like to have the church and state to be separated so these results should serve as an caution to the recent religious people who stated that they will participate in Politics, or to the politicians who use religion as their campaign tactics.”

The Religious Freedom Policy Research Center commented that “religious people gain the most trust in their religion when and only when they are committed to their religious duties.”

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