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Acclaimed Chef Thomas Keller visits CheongAm Sa temple

by Emi Hayakawa, BTN, March 27, 2012

Kimchon, South Korea -- Acclaimed chef Thomas Keller, his team of 14 chefs and dining room personnel flew to Korea to present Keller’s brand of French cuisine. On March 19th, 2012, Thomas Keller, owner-chef of The French Laundry, visited CheongAm Sa temple in Kimchon, Korea.

Keller says that he has been inspired greatly through traditional Korean temple food. In his own words, Keller’s creations depend upon ingredients of the highest quality.

However, Keller states that he has been fascinated by the beauty and simplicity of Korean temple food, and that the simplicity of it all is what mesmerizes him most about this traditional style.

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