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Bongunsa temple fascinates renowned nuclear scientist

by Emi Hayakawa, BTN, March 29, 2012

Seoul, South Korea -- The 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit was held at COEX, Samseong-dong in southern Seoul From March 26th till the 27th, and the word leaders who attended the summit visited Bongunsa temple and was fascinated by the richness of Korean Buddhism.

Word leaders from 53 different countries attended the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit at COEX, and Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European Council, accompanied by his wife visited the Bongunsa temple.

Mr. Van Rompuy stated that he could feel the ancient Korean tradition through the atmosphere of the temple, and can understand why Korean people feel at home at Buddhist temples. He also asked various questions regarding the essence of Korean Buddhism and expressed genuine interest regarding Buddhism.

On the 25th, the first lady of Turkey and the first lady of Italy also asked special permission to visit the ancient temple, showing how world leaders’ interest in Korean Buddhism.

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