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Master Jinje elevated as Supreme Patriarch of the Jogye Order

by Emi Hayakawa, BTN, March 29, 2012

Seoul, South Korea -- Master Jinje was elevated as the supreme patriarch of Jogye Order at the elevation ceremony at 2pm on March 28th 2012.

10,000 participants joined Master Jinje’s elevation ceremony, along with Ven Wonro, Jogye Order head Ven. Jaseung, Minister of Culture, sports and Tourism Choi Kwang Sik, Rabbi Jack Bemporad, Dr. Kim, Eui-Jeong. President of Lay Buddhist Association for the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism Regional Center, and Park Geun Hye, member of the 17th National assembly.

Government officials and World Religious leaders alike celebrated Jinje sunim’s elevation as he was appointed as the 13th Supreme Patriarch of Jogye Order in Korean Buddhism.

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