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Jogye Order urges China to cease Tibetan oppression
by Emi Hayakawa, BTN, April 5, 2012
Seoul, South Korea -- The Jogye Order Central Council announced the following statement urging the Chinese Government for immediate cessation of their oppression in Tibet.
The Statement urges the Chinese Government for immediate Cessation of the oppression in Tibet, saying that Tibetan people are happy as they are.
The Jogye Order's statement in full:
Living in the highlands 3,000 meters above sea level, the Tibetan people were never greedy, and lived according to the Buddha dharma.
The Tibetan people endured the hardships that nature bestowed upon them, and reaped it’s benefits through mastering Oriental herbal medicine, a field of Science which greatly impacted a large portion of Chinese history.
Today, the Tibetan people have become refugees, and their Motherland has became a Chinese colony. 1.2 million Tibetan people lost their lives due to the brutal crackdowns of the Chinese government, and millions of refugees fled to India and other neighboring countries.
The current Chinese government is of repression as oppression of minorities are taking place everywhere, whereas the Cultural Revolution of Mao Ze Dung was the kind of government where it supported farmers and laborers. Especially in 2008 to 2011, countless numbers of Tibetan lives were sacrificed under gunfire.
The World closed their eyes fearing China’s immense strength. Even if other countries are aware of what China is doing, they close their eyes for the profit of their own country. Therefore the world must not misunderstand that these inhumane situations are NOT taking place in China.
In the large scope, the Tibetan issue is caused by the conflicting perspective of independence between China and Tibet. The Tibetan people continuously appealed for acknowledgement of the Tibetan history, culture and religion, and to make Tibet an autonomous state to the World. There had also been various uprising of the Tibetan people, however all of them bore no fruit.
During the national uprising in Lhasa in 1959, His Holiness the Dalai Lama did everything in his power to prevent any Tibetan lives to be sacrificed. However His Holiness’ effort was of no use. As the uprising escalated, it led to massive bloodshed where at least 40,000 Tibetan people lost their lives. Eventually, His Holiness had to flee Tibet in order to protect his people, and established the Tibetan government-in-exile in India.
During the 30th anniversary of the National Uprising day in 1989, Tibet was placed under martial law. It was widely reported that approximately 600 Chinese soldiers and security police lost their lives, however the number of Tibetan casualties are still unknown.
Moreover, it is said that the number of Tibetan casualties during this past 60 years is about 1.2 million.
Thus, we, the Jogye Order Central Council Members, have regulated the current Tibetan situation a grave issue, and will not stand back and watch in silence.
Together with the world who longs for peace and freedom in Tibet, we strongly caution the Chinese government of their acts of repression.
Additionally, we urge for the return of the bodies of the self immolated, the withdrawal of troops, release of political prisoners, allegiance to the monks, and the immediate end to forced immigration policy.
The Jogye Order Central Council Members mourn all the Tibetan people who sacrificed their lives for freedom and peace, and pray to all the Buddhas for all who have entered Nirvana. We earnestly urge the world to pay special attention until the cessation of Chinese oppression and until peace is restored in Tibet.