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"Peace to our Mind. Happiness to our World"

by Emi hayakawa, BTN, Apr 27, 2012

Slogan for Buddha's Birthday 2012

Seoul, South Korea -- The celebration committee of the Jogye Order of Korea Buddhism announced this year’s slogan to be Peace to our Mind. Happiness to our World as they opened the Buddha’s Birthday celebration poster and art installation by Lim Ok Sang.

The Jogye Order had a contest in February and chose the slogan created by Ahn Ho Suk, “Peace to Our Mind. Happiness to our World” and the artist and installation artist Lim Ok Sang created two posters based on the slogan.

In the book “The Life of an Artist: For the artist Im Ok Sang” by poet Kim Jong Hwan, states, “...Although Im Ok Sang is known to be an artist of great societal knowledge, he has the ability to pinpoint the darkness and light of current times..”

The Yeondeunghoe Lantern Festival will be from May 18th to the 20th, 2012.

Below is the full schedule:

May 18 ~ 28 (Fri ~ Mon) Exhibition of Traditional Lanterns at Bongeun-sa Temple and Jogye sa temple.
May 19 (Sat) 7:00 ~ 9:30 pm Lotus Lantern Parade at Jongno Street (Dongdaemun ~ Jogye-sa Temple)
May 19 (Sat) 9:30 ~11:00 pm Hoehyang Hanmadang (Post-Parade Celebration) at Jonggak Intersection
May 20 (Sun) Noon ~ 6:00pm Traditional Cultural Performance at front of Jogye-sa Temple

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