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International Conference on Ganhwa Seon

by Emi Hailey Hayakawa, BTN, Aug 7, 2012

Seoul, South Korea -- The 3rd International Conference on Ganhwa Seon was held on June 23rd, 2012 and many academics and practictioners across the globe gathered at Dong guk University.

Seon meditation is a way to find your true self. It is believed meditation leads us to enlightenment, thus ending all our sufferings. Ganhaw seon, a way to seek enlightenment through hawdoo (a question) is the best known and popular mediation in Korea.

BTN showcased a documentary, “Reflecting the World through Ganhwa Seon” which portrayed the real life experiences of practitioners practicing the Ganhwa Seon method during the retreats with Ven. Subul.

Although reiterating that such a pratice is adaptable whether to devout students or the general public, Ven. Subul said that Ganhwa Seon requires weeks for the achievement of a clear, cleansing outcome.

The practice of Ganhwa Seon is not entirely divided into sessions, but involves constantly focusing on one's doubts and questions. "Each practice doesn't take 30 to 50 minutes, or one to two hours, but is a constant phase within a person's conscience," said Ven. Subul. "In order for this meditation to be achievable, people have to embrace their doubts and problems to reach eventual enlightenment."

"The good thing about Ganhwa Seon is that it can be interpreted more easily than other practices," said Ven Subul. "Although I cannot teach newcomers to become devout practitioners of Ganhwa Seon, the meditation is simple enough to follow for those who have 9-5 work schedules and live under the influence of culture and media. As you confront doubt and inner conflicts, you will soon find yourself in a national place."

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