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Collected Works of Korean Buddhism

by Emi Hailey Hayakawa, BTN, Aug 29, 2012

Seoul, South Korea -- The “Collected Works of Korean Buddhism,” a 13 volume series of teachings by the three great Buddhist masters of Korean Buddhism; Wonhyo (617-686), Jinul (1158-1210) and Hyujeong (1520-1604) was published in English on August 23rd 2012.

This project began in December of 2006 with the support of the Ministry of Culture and took 5 years and eight months to complete.

In the Press Release released by the Jogye Order on August 21st, it stated “...Beginning from 2006, we began this project to further propogate Korean Buddhism across the globe, and selected over 90 teachings from the great masters of Korean Buddhism for the ‘Collected Works of Korean Buddhism’..” And it continued to state that “This series is mainly for scholars for further research and propagation of Korean Buddhism..”

Various local and foreign scholars were involved in this project including Dr. Robert Buswell, the director of the Buddhist Center at UCLA, Dr. A Charles Muller, an Academic scholar and professor at Tokyo University specializing in Korean Buddhism and East Asian Yogacara, and Ven. Haeju of Dongguk University.

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