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BTN Celebrates 20th Year Anniversary

by Emi Hailey Hayakawa, BTN, March 15th, 2015

COEX, Seoul -- On March 7th, BTN, the Buddhist True Network of Korea, has celebrated their 20th year anniversary at the COEX Auditorium.

During the ceremony, BTN CEO, Mrs Bonil Koo revealed BTN’s new CI and opened their new slogan, “20 years of broadcast, Our commitment for the Next Hundred Years,” as she stood on the podium and revealed BTN’s strategy goals for the next 100 years to the 1500 participants that included both the monastics and lay people.

Mrs. Koo stated, “BTN will strive to be the Buddhist’s True Network of Korea, and today this moment is the turning point of BTN to open a new history for the next 100 years.”

BTN’s strategy goals include the establishment of an English language Buddhist Network, expansion of international transmission and the globalisation of Korean Buddhism, to open various campaigns for Buddhist values and beliefs, further propagation of the Buddha Dharma, and to assist the social welfare of all sentient beings.

The new BTN CI symbolises the wooden gong (moktak) and a practitioner putting their palms together for prostration, and propels forward in their future goals and visions to be continue to propagate the Buddha Dharma and to continue to broadcast positive energy for all sentient beings.

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