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Buddhist Musician in Appeal to Hostage Takers

Chosun Ilbo, Aug 13, 2007

Seoul, South Korea -- "The world is one. Why have to fight, why have to kill, make this heaven to hell? God! What he wants is peace of mankind."

<< A video clip of "Song for Taliban" written and sung by the physician and Buddhist musician Lee Jin-ho posted on YouTube(www.youtube.com).

"Song for Taliban" made by the Korean doctor and Buddhist musician Lee Jin-ho is spreading rapidly on the Internet with its message of peace for the captors of 21 Korean hostages in Afghanistan.

The video clip of the song, which first appeared on the Korean UCC site Pandora TV, features pictures of pastor Bae Hyung-kyu and Shim Sung-min, two hostages killed by the Taliban. It also features pictures of surviving hostages, with the caption, "Song about the invisible wall between us".

Tranquil guitar music accompanies Lee's voice. The clip also includes the English lyrics on sheets of paper written by Lee and Korean subtitles.

This video was made by Lee's band, Yasodara. Lee is also a physician running a diet clinic in Seoul. “Greed and Desire in Holy disguise should not justify all the violence... Almost every war comes of religion, comes of faith," he sings.

The clip is attracting more and more viewers on UCC sites and has now been posted on YouTube, the world’s biggest. (www.youtube.com).

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