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Korean Temple Files Suit for Tax Exemption

By Park Si-soo, The Korea Times, Aug 11, 2008

Seoul, South Korea -- A Buddhist temple in Seoul is suing a city ward office demanding the revocation of what it calls improper taxation.

The Seoul Central District Court said Monday that members of Tongdo Temple filed a civil suit against Seongbuk Ward Office in northeastern Seoul to get a refund on 800 million won ($800,000) in property tax paid between 2002 and 2004.

Under Korean tax law, religious facilities are tax exempt unless used for non-religious purposes.

In a statement, the temple's staff said, ``When the ward office levied taxes on Tongdo Temple, the facility in question was solely used for religious events. Thus the taxes we paid should be refunded.''

Seongbuk denied the allegation, saying part of the temple was used for other purposes at the time.

``We confirmed at that time that part of the temple was transformed into residential facilities for visitors. Therefore, the tax in question was proper,'' ward official Shim Ki-woong told The Korea Times.

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