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South Korean Buddhist group delivers food assistance to North Korea

Xinhua, Dec 30, 2008

SEOUL, South Korea -- A South Korean Buddhist organization delivered a batch of food assistance for mothers and children in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the Yonhap News Agency reported on Tuesday.

According to Yonhap, the Seoul-based Jungto Society (JTS) said its baby formula and maternal nutrition worth 380 million won (302,300 U.S. dollars) will be distributed in Hoeryong, a town in DPRK's northernmost North Hamgyong Province.

The organization expects the food aid, including dried seaweed powder, flour, milk powder, sugar and salt, will be able to reach 25,000 mothers and 6,300 infants and children, Yonhap said.

JTS delivered life support, oxygen generators and other medical equipment worth 150 million won (about 119,200 U.S. dollars) to a hospital in the same province early this month.

The South Korean government froze rice and fertilizer assistance to DPRK this year amid strained inter-Korean ties. However, the private aid to DPRK continued in 2008.

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