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Publishers may discontinue sales of Ven Beop Jeong's books

The Korea Herald, Mar 18, 2010

Seoul, South Korea -- The will left by the recently deceased Venerable Beopjeong has expressed his wish for publishers to discontinue the sale of the books he wrote.

The announcement was made yesterday during a press conference organized by the Buddhist leader's estate executor Kim Geum-sun who released his signed will dated Feb. 24 of this year.

In it, he had two requests. His first was as follows: "If there is one possession of mine that remains, I would like my possessions to be given to 'May All Beings Be Happy' so they may use it to create a brighter society. ... I would like to take the words I have released out to the world with me to my next life so please do not publish books under my name anymore."

"May All Beings Be Happy," is a Buddhist organization named after one of Beopjeong's books.

He also went on to state that he wishes Venerable Deokjo to lead his disciples, following the strict Buddhist rules that involve regular meditation in a remote place.

"We are sorry to inform readers of the news that the Venerable Beopjeong's books will not be published from this day forth so we hope and we request all publishing firms that have published his books to discontinue the sales," said representatives of Beopjeong's estate, responding to the request. "We will find a way to make his literary works available for readers."

Read also: Remembering a `Non-possession` Monk

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