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The Tripitaka Koreana meets Colour Therapy
by Emi Hailey Hayakawa, BTN , March 9, 2015
Seoul, South Korea -- Like birthday cakes, and juice boxes, colouring books aren’t just for kids anymore. In fact, publishers have lately been launching coloring books specifically for adults as it turns out colouring can be beneficial for adults -- namely for its de-stressing power.
The practice of colouring generates wellness, quietness and also stimulates brain areas related to motor skills, the senses and creativity.
One of the first psychologists to apply coloring as a relaxation technique was Carl G. Jüng in the early 20th century. According to Carl Jung, “A mandala is the psychological expression of the totality of the self” (1973: 20). He discovered the significance of mandalas through his own inner work.
Therefore imagine the positive effects of a Buddhist themed colouring book. Utilising the positive effects of colouring, Haeinsa Temple correlated a scene in the Tripitaka Koreana (Palman Daejanggyeong) into a colouring book.
Haeinsa Temple’s Koreana Tripitaka is a synthesis of all of the Buddha's teachings, composed of three sections, called pitaka, thus the name Tripitaka. These three including the Sutra Pitaka, the Vinaya Pitaka, and the Abhidharma Pitaka, and is registered as the UNESCO memory of the World. Many hear about and accept this sutra, but is difficult to understand.
Therefore, as an effort to make the Koreana Tripitaka easier to understand and more accesible to the public, and by association of the de-stressing and positive effects of colouring, Haeinsa Temple published a colouring book of their Koreana Tripitaka.
Entitled the Buddhavatamsaka-nama-mhavaipulya-sutra 80 illustrations (Daebanggwangbulhwaomgyeong 80 byungsangdo), the colouring book consists of 80 illustrations of the contents of the Avatamsaka Sutra, mainly illustrations of Lord Buddha teaching the avatamsaka-sutra.
It is believed that focusing on your hwadu while colouring in this colouring book is powerful way to facilitate meditation and access your inner intuition.