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Internet Phone Leading Way to Nirvana

Telecoms Korea, July 14, 2008

Seoul, South Korea -- Internet phone service is expected to become available in Buddhist temples across the country. LG Dacom announced that it inked an agreement with the Korean Association for Buddhism Promotion to provide myLG070 Internet phone service to 8,000 Buddhist temples in Korea.

The Buddhist group works for promoting Buddhism at home and abroad, protecting Buddhist rights, offering scholarships, and holding academic seminars.

LG Dacom said that the agreement will help the Buddhists and temples across the country would cut communication cost significantly.

It said, “We will offer qualified service to satisfy the customers while helping them to strengthen networks within their religious community.”

LG Dacom said that subscribers to Internet phone service exceeded the 800 thousand mark on July 6. Net subscriber increase has jumped from 5,000 in earlier this year to 7,000 in last month.

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