Statement of Support by INEB for Demonstrations by Buddhist Monks in Burma

The International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB), September 20, 2007

The International Network of Engaged Buddhists(INEB), a global network of activists, spiritual leaders, organizations and academics of all Buddhist sects, who integrates the practice of Buddhism and social actions for a healthy, just and peaceful world, hereby conveying our strongest supports and solidarity with the Buddhists monks and the people of Burma who are peacefully calling for the end of social and political sufferings in Burma.

In particular, we strongly support the peaceful expressions of the loving-kindness and compassions for the Burmese society by the Buddhist monks across Burma.

We also support their demands for the SPDC to offer their apologies to the monks:

  • to reduce all commodity prices, fuel prices, rice and cooking oil prices immediately,
  • to release all political prisoners including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and all detainees arrested in ongoing demonstrations over fuel price hike,
  • to enter into dialogue with democratic forces and ethnic nationalities for national reconciliation immediately, and
  • to resolve the crises and difficulties facing and suffering by the people.
  • welcome the State and Peace Development Council or SPDC’s restraint on the use of violent means on the first day (September 18,2007)of the demonstrations by Buddhist monks in various towns and cities across Burma except the use of tear gas and violent break up of the demonstrations in Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State in western Burma. We also welcome the release of three monks, one novice and ten other protesters who were arrested on Tuesday afternoon in Sittwe.
  • are, however, extremely concern over the latest news report on the SPDC’s secret declaration of the state of emergency which authorized regional and local authorities to use violent means, including an order to open fire, in cracking down the demonstrations.
  • urge the SPDC, who are also Buddhists, to apply and practice Panna (wisdom), Metta (loving-kindness) and Karuna (compassion) in responding to the current situations by:
    1. revoking the authorization of, and ban, the use of all violent means, in dealing with all demonstrations in Burma including the use of tear gas and opening fires, the hiring of local thugs, Swan Arr Shin and SPDC’s proxy USDA to confront and crackdown on the peaceful protests and the arresting and beating up of the demonstrators.
    2. stopping the surveillance and all restrictions on monasteries and temples.
    3. allowing the peaceful demonstrations and expressions of the concerns and cares for the society by the Buddhist monks and the people of Burma.
    4. allowing independent media to cover the current events without any restrictions so that both sides of the stories can be known and heard.
    5. start entering into dialogue and working for the solutions with Buddhist monks who play a very significant roles as spiritual, cultural and social leaders in Burmese society.

The INEB believe that every human beings, including the personnel of SPDC, have a seed of Buddha, the potential for awakening and enlightenment. We hope the SPDC will take the current situation as the opportunity to let the seeds of Buddha within them grow by awakening to the need to start resolving the crises facing Burma by releasing Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, all political prisoners including imprisoned ethnic nationalities’ leaders and start a meaningful and compassionate dialogue with all relevant parties.

We will continue watching Burma closely with our utmost concerns and we send our best wishes to all people of Burma. May Peace Prevail in Burma very soon!

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